Daring to be curious

We don’t have all the answers. We’re simply committed to asking better questions.

Architecting the Next Evolution in Health Care

We don’t believe you change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, grow a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. We are a non-profit organization on a social mission is to create the conditions to invite health care to step into the further reaches of the possible. We call that #HumanCare.

Health care worthy of you

It's in our DNA to care. That’s the first principle that guides our work. Here’s how we show up to meet that promise…

  • YOU are the heartbeat of health care. We hone the very best in people, inspiring them to show up fully for themselves and others.

  • We believe everything interesting starts with brave conversations. That’s how inspiration is seeded and opportunities expand.

  • As we hone new solutions, we share them widely. Things evolve. A brighter tomorrow is born.

Where we do our greatest work

Discover The Commons, a collaborative space where we create a better future for health care.