A surprisingly fresh sandbox
The Commons architects bolder futures.
The Commons is a collective of creative thinkers, planners, healers, and helpers who are committed to the continual evolution of health care.
We believe health care will need a new kind of sense making as it grapples with 21st century realities. This is more than tactically moving the pieces around on a chess board. This is supporting a transformative re-imagining of the board itself - an expansion of the container that is framing the current health care story.
What matters to us
We believe that when we honor the fullness of reality, we can realize spaces where people grow and flourish. The Commons is informed by a relentless curiosity about how we experience health, and what will allow for a greater sense of well-being even through the experience of illness.
We believe that we can draw from a deeper well of wisdom, building on health care achievements to date. This means asking better questions that reflect new possibilities for a better health care future.
How we play
The Commons’ purpose is not what we do. It’s what happens in others when we do what we do.
The heartbeat of our work is an integrative approach that relies on a range of creative capacities. Thinking, intuiting, sensing, and integrating all inform our discovery of uncommon solutions to seemingly incurable problems.
Our work draws from four interconnected impulses
The Sage
We use everything as fuel for transformation. All things are sacred.
The Child
Playfulness is our spirited mission. We create a wonder-full sandbox to figure things out.
The Warrior
Where others see limitations and opposition, we see possibilities.
The Magician
We explore hopes, dreams, desires, and the untold magic in people.
The People Stewarding The Commons
Yasmine De Aranda
David Frank Gomes
Advisor and Facilitator
Bhaskar Goswami
Advisor and Facilitator
Philip Horvath
Francis Laleman
Advisor and Facilitator
Beena Sharma
Greg Solis
Advisor and Facilitator
Emily Squirrell
Advisor and Facilitator
Mark Stolow
Founding Director and Facilitator
Rachel Sturdivant, MD
Scott Swanson
Advisor and Facilitator
Dana Tarcatu, MD
Brian Trzaskos
Advisor and Facilitator
Joe Weston
Have a beautiful problem that needs watering?
We fall in love with problems. That’s how we turn them into friends.